Plug in. Lock on. Break out Only SEGA's got it!
Choose to play either Soek or Kwxkles - each «Ml his own signature moves* in their biftest (oeftootation ever? AND HERE'S MORE BREAKTHROUGH NEWS! With revolutionary new lc<kOn' tettaoloft, SatkfrXwcUn is the first \i4eo qamt in history that bttfttts with yow other Seek <*ames! M it's caty on Sev Genesis'! So pfcg h, Ы $et rea^y to break out! single cartridge! Play as Son к йл4 kt к*м •« Robots w*h a^irtogecw pwnl Eritnd Of Eo«? W.1 U*u< Ы forc<4 to KsudbU •#*«*? May as Knuckles u<u* AivJhUoJSe«kwtt**wf.iua »tU<ki алО hijMftta (Ш! Goar UplHntJMmut watch this «4*y l<M*u itir «p iom гиГ(гмЫ«1 rrrin Lock-On Sonic 2! Ill HI Kooiwaai^asfcwiMrvaMtilr щ гаяийЗйг' I™ eevetbekce! Play Sonic & Knuckles by itself or Lock-On with other Sonic Games! Lock-On Sonic 31 Tfinlcrm (tMtbe hUU itfo i Ы*е UN <UKim*sankti*Wise«•*«? b=rd IWoleeeitillKimwtrhGeeVw? AS SEEN ON C*’*t 10 «I UHSmn Саорму profeti Ы j«t 11N Bsiambcti w k« pms «ад «еш П»* Nr*, SmIc no* Ы k-k pr*f N perdu*. v u«v*n а*ь* « ^ ц> u «w* we w «►аии *cm *. rm
or too ^eaAM£OADBi^ }p SON/C & KNUCKLeS^GAP^S^^^ ”hEL PUS RACE ^ .DOWN TO THE SHOPS/ ГНеМббАВГГЕ gweer shop ON£OFroo ofruese' fLOOK' INSIOE' AND MAY8E YOU'LL сака BUYONE '•ОвМАУве YOl/CL YY/HONE of sop of тек;! • . • The magic's in the Milky Way. rWuuWMlKKtwhRU. ‘
MONTATELO A LO GRANDE to NJKA «S то чЛ A <C*0A*4Q ;л »* .€ PC* CUaT$Q. .a> ,|ul , l.'/уЛ1 Vli ma* IXCflAN Л aPLICADAS A i* v At ifMio VOIC t*N£S UJt iN^AMSlAt LOS tM"-a‘H05 £»f iOS*< 7 О V<JN 1 A l*Pu)/C'JLAi VlDlOiUtCO * It A* LA i}IO Sf HA!tA «CCOwlOO. <*ч1с«из • | H'jiVQ A*^CNA)I fc£ SIGa. v SOfAC T€ D€J аЯан iOG'jvSj)i?TOS PAiiAHDO PCfc 1 AS f AN* ACLAS MAE UNtAllCNAitS 1 C***iiAS V MAS JCWAS ,T»LW«LA RQiOlNK', *ДП MVUCS, Una f AS£ E* H if и l tut i 1Ц уиу Л u i <Г> U i JIK. • УЛ • AMf AN11 Ti UN MU ■» vJi4A. "•л*и JC NOO DCHCt VAS A C STOJTaR II DOtir О IA TEOCCOG4A C4 X С а*ПК **OS игл a fa ctsюз«:юл iu r £s*> ia iat**.- ГА1АГГА. ГНИ UNO St .OS ClEGOOS В I E N V E NIDOAL V*no.uef''wm*cr«»^i «'fj • <«--» iwr** 't&crc 9\bt/i OJ rv>fT<n:r<jj co'v^ifV) ON I VEL
to гшжкл mto. U yen fU'.on de SIGa l*> videojuey> que *чйе po< trcs. Us ultinat tccnolcyei apftceda* a lo депы» mb ex-otantc Iarras conude SONIC у KNUCJOES reun ai остро. SCrfo utno quc cr.umbUr 'os cartucho* de SONIC * о SONIC 3 a e«c «spectacular *klcoju«3o у cl mfeyo s« ЫЫ6 producklo KNOCKUS, el nor*о personal* d« SEGA, у SONIC, t« dejaran boqutabicrtos paseando por Us pan tallas mas scnsaoonales. Sorpreset у mas so г presas iTUmbla ROBOTNIK' Sets mveies. una fasc especial en 30, «KrcbWs fases dc booos 4Ou«res mb? Un mondo nuevo se abre ante ti Un mundo donde *as a disfrutar el dotte ,Pde'o yal U tecnoioya de ensamblajc de cartuchos esta a tu dtspostc on Tu tenet la ultima palabra. eres uno c< I os etestfot NIDOAL PROXIM
StH fun,Sonic,соник, Sonic the hedgehog, ,фэндомы,Sonic & Knuckles
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